
Web application (Web app) is an application program that is stored on a remote server and delivered over the Internet through a browser interface. Web services are Web apps by definition and many, although not all, websites contain Web apps. Commom Definitions

  1. CSS3
  2. Bootstrap3
  3. CSS3 Flex
  4. Font Awesome
  5. Google Fonts
  6. Netlify Hosting
  7. Firebase Hosting
  8. GitHub
  9. GitHub Hosting
  10. JavaScrih5t ES5 (Book: A smarter way to learn JavaScript)
  11. Local Storage
  12. ECMASCRIPT 6 (Topics)
    • let + const
    • template strings
    • destructuring
    • default + rest + spread
    • arrow functions
    • promises
    • map
    • classes
    • Hoisting
    • This keyword
    • ForInLoop
    • ForOfLoop
    • Async / Await
    • Closures

      (with Scope and it's benefits)

  13. Firebase Services
    • User Authentication (Email/Password, Facebook)
    • Real Time Database
    • Cloud Storage